Yash Amonkar, Ph.D.

I recently received my Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Columbia University. Prior to this, I completed my Master’s at Columbia University and worked full-time at the Columbia Water Center. I will join the Institute for the Environmental, UNC-Chapel Hill, as a Postdoctoral Research Associate this coming summer.

My dissertation is focused on understanding spatiotemporal climate risk to water and energy infrastructure systems at a regional level. My current research interests also include the renewable energy transition and understanding inter-annual hydroclimatic variability, along with a focus on climate risk. My past research has been on mining, water pollution, and their interactions with local communities. My Ph.D. was advised by Prof. Upmanu Lall and worked at the Columbia Water Center (CWC), a research center within the Earth Institute.

An updated record of my publications along my CV is linked below. Download CV here

In my free time, I explore all that New York City offers. You can find me catching the latest off-Broadway shows or sipping coffee in Central Park.